Saturday, May 28, 2011

Car Keys and Prayer

Hey everybody, Elder Wursten here. I'm sure ya'll have heard tons of stories about how someone lost some car keys, then prayed, and then found them. But here is a really good one. Maybe I just think its really good because it happened to me.
   So there I was in K-Town, Utah. I was in a rush to take off for somewhere, but I couldn't find the darn keys to my car. So, what do you think I did? You're right! I took the spare key and drove off.
   A couple of days later, I was wondering to myself, I wonder where those keys went. I'm tired of using the spare key because it doesn't have that remote thing that unlocks the car. So I look and look and I just can't find 'em. So then its time to tell my father about my the dilemma. He tells me, "You had better find them, because that remote thing on the key chain costs a lot of money, and you will have to pay for a new one if you can't find them."
   "Oh darn", I say to myself. I had better find those keys because I sure don't want to buy a new remote thing. It was time to tell Heavenly Father about the pickle I was in. I'm sure it was just a simple prayer, but that's all right, He answered it!
   My mind traced back to about 3 days earlier when my dad and I were trying to fix something on the car. I vaguely remembered setting the keys on the back of it. The thought came to me to ride down on my bike down the road and take a gander to see if I could spot the keys. So off my dad and I went on our bikes.
   We ride a little ways and start to go down the hill nearby my home, when what do you know, I spot the some keys in the gutter! I go over and sure enough, there they are with the remote still intact and still working!
   I do know that God answers sincere prayers and that we can turn to Him wherever, whenever.

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