Thursday, May 26, 2011

What are we doing with our time?

    Most of you probably know that LDS missionaries aren't allowed to watch TV, play video games, or watch movies. We only have certain music we can listen to, certain books we can read, and certain church movies we can watch. Since I have been striving to obey these rules for almost 21 months now, I can now understand from a different perspective the precious time that is wasted by doing these things.
   I know for sure that Satan is behind a lot of it, because if he can get us to read a pointless romance novel for instance, it may take away from time we could be reading a book about something good we could learn. If we watch a certain TV show everyday, it will take away mounds of time we could be spending with family and friends. If we listen to that darn rock n' roll all the time, we may not be allowing ourselves to receive important promptings from the Holy Ghost.
   I, like most people am of course guilty of wasting time doing some things when I could spend that time doing better things. I wonder how I would be if I didn't spend so much time watching "The Andy Griffith Show" growing up, and instead used that time to read worth while books. I wonder if I would be more in tune with the Spirit if I had listened to some "Mozart" or "Beethoven" instead of listening to "Weezer" or "Counting Crows" all the time.
  This time we have on Earth is a really short. I hope we don't waste it doing by doing things that will not do anyone any good. So after you're done reading this blog post, turn off the computer and go do something worth while!

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