Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tribute to Mother


   This Sunday, as many of ya'll may know, is Mother's Day. This holiday is an exciting one for missionaries too because it is one of the two days in the year that we get to call our family on the phone.
   Anywho, I was blessed enough to have a great mother. One thing my mom taught me growing up was the importance of honesty and keeping the commandments.   
   There was this one time when I was younger when my friend and I were playing with our sling shots. We were having a jolly ole time, until I took a bad shot and the rock hit my neighbors veinel fence and made a whole in it. I got way scared. When I got home, my guilt got the best of me and I told my mom what happened. She told me I needed to go and apologize to our neighbor, so I did. I was so nervous, but my friends and I went and we apologized. The man wasn't too happy, but afterwards I felt a lot better for being honest.
   This whole in the fence situation probably is the biggest deal in the whole world, and its for sure not the worst thing I've done, but I am sure grateful for my mother teaching me of the importance of being honest.
   My mom never really forced me to make good decisions, but because of her love for me, I wanted to always choose the right.
   Happy Mother's day mom and to all the mother's out there!


  1. Great story Nate! You have the gift of writing, but more important I agree you have a wonderful mother who sets an example for all to follow. I learn from her too.

  2. Thanks for your kind words, Elder Naters. Now I have a lot to live up to. You make being a mother an easy job. I sure love and miss you.
    love Mom
