Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back in Business

   Alright, I'm back. Sorry about that everyone. I all of a sudden got really tired of blogs. They seem really repetitive and I was running out of ideas on how to make my blog worth while. I still am not sure if I've figured it out, but I will keep trying new things. If any of ya'll have suggestions, please let me know! I hope this blog will help people to come closer to Christ. I just don't want it to be boring or repetitive.
   Anywho, below is a picture of the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated. As much as I would like to tell some non-believers that these plates are the real deal, no, they are just a replica.
   You might ask yourself, "How could I believe in a story like that of Joseph Smith?" It might seem kind of strange the way the Church of Jesus Christ was restored, but so do so many of the stories in the Bible. God still does work miracles today. I sure do know that. The truth is, it doesn't really matter how God brought the Book of Mormon forth. God can do whatever He wants. What matters is that we continually nourish the seed of testimony. We must read it and pray and completely rely on God and His answers through the Holy Ghost. Then we must act.

Translating: Elder Wursten
Scribe: Elder Cawley

1 comment:

  1. "God can do whatever He wants." Amen Brotha! I love the picture
